We are always in need of items to help support the comfort and quality of life of our residents, guests, and families as well as items to help us provide the best service possible and reduce our administrative expenses as a nonprofit. Please look over the Wishlist below to learn more about our current needs and contact us to make a donation. Thank you for supporting Trillium House!
Resident Personal Care
Supplies for Comfort Cart
Everyday Items
- Grocery stores, department store and drug stores gift cards
- Facial tissues – Kleenex
- Paper towels
- Rolls of white/brown paper towel for dispensers (at Gordon Food Service – GFS or here)
- Food storage bags (Gallon, Quart, and Sandwich)
- Plastic wrap
- Aluminum foil
- Liquid cleaning products including: dish soap, dishwasher soap, dishwasher rinse agent, toilet bowl cleaner, glass cleaner, toilet brushes and floor cleaner (linoleum & tile)
- Disinfecting wipes (Clorox, Lysol)
- Lysol Laundry Sanitizer
- Garbage Bags: 45 Gallon, 13 Gallon Tall Kitchen Bags with Ties,
- Copier Paper/Office supplies (Pens, Sharpies, Post-It Notes)
- Twin Sheets (Deep pockets fit our hospital bed mattresses nicely); our residents love flannel sheets!
- Towels: Bath Sheet, Bath, Hand, Washcloths; prefer dark gray
- Soft twin blankets
- Gain or other Scented Laundry Detergent
- Weighted Blankets
Office Supplies
- Note pads and Post-It Notes
- Pens
- Dymo Letera Tag Label Maker Refills
- Manilla Folders
Staff Personal Protective Equipment
We receive no federal or state funds so we rely on our volunteers and your donations throughout the year.
If you have questions or would like to talk about a potential gift not on this list, please feel free to call us at (906) 264-5026 or email at info@trilliumhouse.org.