Trillium House supporters, we are excited to announce that we are planning several fundraising events in the coming months! Please consider donating something to be auctioned or raffled off. You can be as creative as you like--designing a whole basket or package to be auctioned, or as simple as a gift certificate.
June 25, Bike Night @ the Crossroads in coordination with Superior H.O.G. & Bald Eagle Harley Davidson.
June 30: Pre-Dale Watson Country Music concert event by the Flat Broke Blues Band with Texas Two Step lessons by Maureen McFadden
July 28, Country Music artist Dale Watson concert @ Strega Nonna
*Contact us if you have any questions or ideas! Donations can be dropped off at Trillium House anytime or you can call Melissa Cavill at 906-264-5026 and we'll arrange to have them picked up before the event! Please click the Sign-Up Genius button below to fill a donation slot!
May 30, 2024 in General News. Bookmark the permalink.